Parvesh Varma Daughters First Reaction: केजरीवालांना पराभूत करणाऱ्या वर्मांच्या लेकी काय म्हणाल्या?
Arvind Kejriwal resigned from the post of Chief Minister after coming out of jail. He had said at the time that he would now seek justice in the people's court. The BJP has been out of power in the Delhi Assembly for the last 27 years. The Congress is also trying to regain the seat it lost in the capital.तुरुंगातून बाहेर आल्यानंतर अरविंद केजरीवाल यांनी मुख्यमंत्रीपदाचा राजीनामा दिला. आता जनतेच्या दरबारात न्याय मागणार असल्याचं त्यांनी त्यावेळी म्हटलं होतं. तर भाजप गेल्या 27 वर्षांपासून दिल्ली विधानसभेतील सत्तेबाहेर आहे. काँग्रेसही राजधानीत गमावलेली जागा परत मिळवण्याचा प्रयत्न करतेय. #parveshVarma #arwindkejriwal #delhielection2025 #vidhansabhaelection #delhiassemblyelections News18 Lokmat is one of the leading YouTube News channels which delivers news from across Maharashtra, India and the world 24x7 in Marathi. Stay updated on all the current events shaping Maharashtra's political landscape, with a special focus on key figures such as PM Narendra Modi, Amit Shah, Devendra Fadnavis, Ajit Pawar, Sharad Pawar, Eknath Shinde, Uddhav Thackeray, CMO Maharashtra, Aaditya Thackeray, Raj Thackeray, Manoj Jarange Patil, Prakash Ambedkar, and more. #ARAU We cover interesting stories from across the world as well.Join us as we delve into the heart of Maharashtra Politics, providing comprehensive coverage and unbiased reporting on News18 Lokmat's platform. Don't miss out on the action, subscribe now for all the latest news, debates, and more.Download our News18 Mobile App -
Delhi Assembly Elections Results: Atish Marlena यांचा विजय! कुणाचा केला पराभव?
Arvind Kejriwal resigned from the post of Chief Minister after coming out of jail. He had said at the time that he would now seek justice in the people's court. The BJP has been out of power in the Delhi Assembly for the last 27 years. The Congress is also trying to regain the seat it lost in the capital.तुरुंगातून बाहेर आल्यानंतर अरविंद केजरीवाल यांनी मुख्यमंत्रीपदाचा राजीनामा दिला. आता जनतेच्या दरबारात न्याय मागणार असल्याचं त्यांनी त्यावेळी म्हटलं होतं. तर भाजप गेल्या 27 वर्षांपासून दिल्ली विधानसभेतील सत्तेबाहेर आहे. काँग्रेसही राजधानीत गमावलेली जागा परत मिळवण्याचा प्रयत्न करतेय. #delhi #delhinews #delhielection2025 #vidhansabhaelection #delhiassemblyelections #arvindkejriwal #atishimarlena News18 Lokmat is one of the leading YouTube News channels which delivers news from across Maharashtra, India and the world 24x7 in Marathi. Stay updated on all the current events shaping Maharashtra's political landscape, with a special focus on key figures such as PM Narendra Modi, Amit Shah, Devendra Fadnavis, Ajit Pawar, Sharad Pawar, Eknath Shinde, Uddhav Thackeray, CMO Maharashtra, Aaditya Thackeray, Raj Thackeray, Manoj Jarange Patil, Prakash Ambedkar, and more. #rabh We cover interesting stories from across the world as well.Join us as we delve into the heart of Maharashtra Politics, providing comprehensive coverage and unbiased reporting on News18 Lokmat's platform. Don't miss out on the action, subscribe now for all the latest news, debates, and more.Download our News18 Mobile App -
Marathi News Headlines | 1 AM News | News18 Lokmat | Marathi News | 10 Feb 2025 | Manoj Jarange
Headlines | Beed Sarpanch Case | Santosh Deshmukh | Valmik Karad | Beed News | Dhananjay Munde | Maharashtra Politics | Devendra Fadnavis | Ajit Pawar | BJP | News18 Lokmat#maharashtrapolitics #news18lokmatlive #headlines #beednews #beedsarpanchcase News18 Lokmat is one of the leading YouTube News channels which delivers news from across Maharashtra, India and the world 24x7 in Marathi. Stay updated on all the current events shaping Maharashtra's political landscape, with a special focus on key figures such as PM Narendra Modi, Amit Shah, Devendra Fadnavis, Ajit Pawar, Sharad Pawar, Eknath Shinde, Uddhav Thackeray, CMO Maharashtra, Aaditya Thackeray, Raj Thackeray, Manoj Jarange Patil, Prakash Ambedkar, and more.We cover interesting stories from across the world as well. APSAJoin us as we delve into the heart of Maharashtra Politics, providing comprehensive coverage and unbiased reporting on News18 Lokmat's platform. Don't miss out on the action, subscribe now for all the latest news, debates, and more.Download our News18 Mobile App -
Mahatvachya Batmya: महत्त्वाच्या बातम्या | News18 Lokmat | Marathi News | 2.30 PM | 10 Feb 2025
Mahatvachya Batmya | Beed Sarpanch Case | Santosh Deshmukh | Valmik Karad | Beed News | Dhananjay Munde | Maharashtra Politics | Devendra Fadnavis | Ajit Pawar | BJP | News18 Lokmat #mahatvachyabatmya #manojJarange #maharashtrapolitics #news18lokmat News18 Lokmat is one of the leading YouTube News channels which delivers news from across Maharashtra, India and the world 24x7 in Marathi. Stay updated on all the current events shaping Maharashtra's political landscape, with a special focus on key figures such as PM Narendra Modi, Amit Shah, Devendra Fadnavis, Ajit Pawar, Sharad Pawar, Eknath Shinde, Uddhav Thackeray, CMO Maharashtra, Aaditya Thackeray, Raj Thackeray, Manoj Jarange Patil, Prakash Ambedkar, and more. #ARAU We cover interesting stories from across the world as well.Join us as we delve into the heart of Maharashtra Politics, providing comprehensive coverage and unbiased reporting on News18 Lokmat's platform. Don't miss out on the action, subscribe now for all the latest news, debates, and more.Download our News18 Mobile App -
Karuna Dhananjay Munde Breaking: कोर्टाच्या निर्णयावर काय म्हणाल्या करुणा मुंडे? | Alimony
"I will appeal against the bandra court's decision in the higher court. My husband's annual income is Rs 65 crore. In comparison, the alimony I get is very low. So, I am going to demand an increase in my alimonyकरूणा शर्मा कोट- बांद्रा कोर्टाने दिलेल्या निर्णयाच्या विरोधात मी वरिष्ठ्य कोर्टात दाद मागणार आहे. माझे पती यांचे वार्षीक उत्पन्न ६५ कोटी आहे. त्या तुलनेत मला मिळणारी पोटगी ही खूपच कमी आहे. त्यामुळे मला पोटगी वाढवून देण्याची मी मागणी करणार आहे#dhananjaymunde #beednews #beedsarpanchcase #beedNews18 Lokmat is one of the leading YouTube News channels which delivers news from across Maharashtra, India and the world 24x7 in Marathi. Stay updated on all the current events shaping Maharashtra's political landscape, with a special focus on key figures such as PM Narendra Modi, Amit Shah, Devendra Fadnavis, Ajit Pawar, Sharad Pawar, Eknath Shinde, Uddhav Thackeray, CMO Maharashtra, Aaditya Thackeray, Raj Thackeray, Manoj Jarange Patil, Prakash Ambedkar, and more. #ARAU We cover interesting stories from across the world as well.Join us as we delve into the heart of Maharashtra Politics, providing comprehensive coverage and unbiased reporting on News18 Lokmat's platform. Don't miss out on the action, subscribe now for all the latest news, debates, and more.Download our News18 Mobile App -
Rahul Gandhi On Maharashtra Vidhan Sabha Result: राहुल गांधींचे निवडणूक आयोगाला सवाल
How did the increase in voters happen only after the Lok Sabha? How about 39 lakh voters in five years? Who are these voters? Where did it come from? Maharashtra has more voters than the population. How do voters outnumber the state's population? Rahul Gandhi's press conference sparked outrage!लोकसभेनंतरच मतदारांमध्ये वाढ कशी झाली? 5 वर्षात 39 लाख मतदार कसे? हे मतदार कोण आहेत? कुठून आले? महाराष्ट्राच्या लोकसंख्येपेक्षा जास्त मतदारांची संख्या आहे. राज्याच्या लोकसंख्येपेक्षा मतदारांची सख्या जास्त कशी? राहुल गांधींच्या पत्रकार परिषदेने खळबळ!#rahulgandhi #rahulgandhispeech #supriyasulefc #sanjayraut News18 Lokmat is one of the leading YouTube News channels which delivers news from across Maharashtra, India and the world 24x7 in Marathi. Stay updated on all the current events shaping Maharashtra's political landscape, with a special focus on key figures such as PM Narendra Modi, Amit Shah, Devendra Fadnavis, Ajit Pawar, Sharad Pawar, Eknath Shinde, Uddhav Thackeray, CMO Maharashtra, Aaditya Thackeray, Raj Thackeray, Manoj Jarange Patil, Prakash Ambedkar, and more. #rabh We cover interesting stories from across the world as well.Join us as we delve into the heart of Maharashtra Politics, providing comprehensive coverage and unbiased reporting on News18 Lokmat's platform. Don't miss out on the action, subscribe now for all the latest news, debates, and more.Download our News18 Mobile App -
Shivaji Maharaj Narayangadh : नारायणगडाचे महाराज देशमुख कुटुंबाच्या भेटीला, देशमुख कुटुंबाचं सांत्वन
State Food and Civil Supplies Minister Dhananjay Munde, who is already under the opposition's attack in the Santosh Deshmukh murder case, is likely to find himself in even deeper trouble. Social activist Anjali Damania has made serious allegations against Dhananjay Munde. Damania has made serious allegations that Dhananjay Munde embezzled farmers' money while he was the Agriculture Minister. Anjali Damania has demanded that Dhananjay Munde should resign from the post of Minister for Agriculture.संतोष देशमुख हत्या प्रकरणात आधीच विरोधकांच्या निशाण्यावर असलेले राज्याचे अन्न नागरी पुरवठा मंत्री धनंजय मुंडे यांचा पाय आणखी खोलात जाण्याची शक्यता आहे. सामाजिक कार्यकर्त्या अंजली दमानिया यांनी धनंजय मुंडे यांच्यावर गंभीर आरोप केले आहेत. कृषी मंत्री असताना धनंजय मुंडे यांनी शेतकऱ्यांचा पैसा खाल्ला असल्याचा गंभीर आरोप दमानिया यांनी केला. धनंजय मुंडे यांनी कृषी खात्यात घोटाळा केला असून त्यांचा मंत्रीपदाचा राजीनामा घ्यावा अशी मागणी अंजली दमानिया यांनी केली आहे.#dhananjaymunde #anjalidamania #walmikkarad #news18lokmat #shbhNews18 Lokmat is one of the leading YouTube News channels which delivers news from across Maharashtra, India and the world 24x7 in Marathi. Stay updated on all the current events shaping Maharashtra's political landscape, with a special focus on key figures such as PM Narendra Modi, Amit Shah, Devendra Fadnavis, Ajit Pawar, Sharad Pawar, Eknath Shinde, Uddhav Thackeray, CMO Maharashtra, Aaditya Thackeray, Raj Thackeray, Manoj Jarange Patil, Prakash Ambedkar, and more.We cover interesting stories from across the world as well.Join us as we delve into the heart of Maharashtra Politics, providing comprehensive coverage and unbiased reporting on News18 Lokmat's platform. Don't miss out on the action, subscribe now for all the latest news, debates, and more.Download our News18 Mobile App -
Sharad Koli On Rahul Solapurkar: शरद कोळींचा सोलापूरकरांविरोधात संताप व्यक्त
Sharad Koli On Rahul Solapurkar: शरद कोळींचा सोलापूरकरांविरोधात संताप व्यक्त #rahulsolapurkar #sharadkoli #amolmitkari #devendrafadnavis #eknathshinde #ajitpawar #mahayuti #news18lokmat News18 Lokmat is one of the leading YouTube News channels which delivers news from across Maharashtra, India and the world 24x7 in Marathi. Stay updated on all the current events shaping Maharashtra's political landscape, with a special focus on key figures such as PM Narendra Modi, Amit Shah, Devendra Fadnavis, Ajit Pawar, Sharad Pawar, Eknath Shinde, Uddhav Thackeray, CMO Maharashtra, Aaditya Thackeray, Raj Thackeray, Manoj Jarange Patil, Prakash Ambedkar, and more.We cover interesting stories from across the world as well.Join us as we delve into the heart of Maharashtra Politics, providing comprehensive coverage and unbiased reporting on News18 Lokmat's platform. Don't miss out on the action, subscribe now for all the latest news, debates, and more.Download our News18 Mobile App -
Rahul Solapurkar Controversial statement । शिवरायांवर वादग्रस्त वक्तव्य, सोलापुरकरांनी माफी मागितली
Controversial statement on Shivaraya, Solapurkar apologized Actor Rahul Solapurkar said that Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj gave bribe to the Mughals to get rid of Agra ... After this debate, the state's political region was reacting to the political arena ...#chatrapatishivajimaharaj #rahulsolapurkar #news18lokmat #shku News18 Lokmat is one of the leading YouTube News channels which delivers news from across Maharashtra, India and the world 24x7 in Marathi. Stay updated on all the current events shaping Maharashtra's political landscape, with a special focus on key figures such as PM Narendra Modi, Amit Shah, Devendra Fadnavis, Ajit Pawar, Sharad Pawar, Eknath Shinde, Uddhav Thackeray, CMO Maharashtra, Aaditya Thackeray, Raj Thackeray, Manoj Jarange Patil, Prakash Ambedkar, and more.We cover interesting stories from across the world as well.Join us as we delve into the heart of Maharashtra Politics, providing comprehensive coverage and unbiased reporting on News18 Lokmat's platform. Don't miss out on the action, subscribe now for all the latest news, debates, and more.Download our News18 Mobile App -
Supriya Sule संसदेत Pik Vima Scam वर बोलल्या, Dhananjay Munde यांची अडचण वाढणार?
State Food and Civil Supplies Minister Dhananjay Munde, who is already under the opposition's attack in the Santosh Deshmukh murder case, is likely to find himself in even deeper trouble. Social activist Anjali Damania has made serious allegations against Dhananjay Munde. Damania has made serious allegations that Dhananjay Munde ate farmers' money while he was the Agriculture Minister. Anjali Damania has demanded that Dhananjay Munde commit a scam in the Agriculture Department and should resign from his ministerial post. After that, Supriya Sule has raised the issue of crop insurance scam in Parliament.संतोष देशमुख हत्या प्रकरणात आधीच विरोधकांच्या निशाण्यावर असलेले राज्याचे अन्न नागरी पुरवठा मंत्री धनंजय मुंडे यांचा पाय आणखी खोलात जाण्याची शक्यता आहे. सामाजिक कार्यकर्त्या अंजली दमानिया यांनी धनंजय मुंडे यांच्यावर गंभीर आरोप केले आहेत. कृषी मंत्री असताना धनंजय मुंडे यांनी शेतकऱ्यांचा पैसा खाल्ला असल्याचा गंभीर आरोप दमानिया यांनी केला. धनंजय मुंडे यांनी कृषी खात्यात घोटाळा केला असून त्यांचा मंत्रीपदाचा राजीनामा घ्यावा अशी मागणी अंजली दमानिया यांनी केली आहे.त्यानंतर सुप्रिया सुळे यांनी संसदेत पीक विमा घोटळ्याचा मुद्दा मांडलाय.#supriyasulefc #dhananjaymunde #anjalidamania #pikvimascam #news18lokmat sikaNews18 Lokmat is one of the leading YouTube News channels which delivers news from across Maharashtra, India and the world 24x7 in Marathi. Stay updated on all the current events shaping Maharashtra's political landscape, with a special focus on key figures such as PM Narendra Modi, Amit Shah, Devendra Fadnavis, Ajit Pawar, Sharad Pawar, Eknath Shinde, Uddhav Thackeray, CMO Maharashtra, Aaditya Thackeray, Raj Thackeray, Manoj Jarange Patil, Prakash Ambedkar, and more.We cover interesting stories from across the world as well.Join us as we delve into the heart of Maharashtra Politics, providing comprehensive coverage and unbiased reporting on News18 Lokmat's platform. Don't miss out on the action, subscribe now for all the latest news, debates, and more.Download our News18 Mobile App -
Beed Pankaja Munde | बीडमध्ये पंकजांचं दमदार स्वागत | Beed Santosh Deshmukh Case | Suresh Dhas
Beed Pankaja Munde Sabha LIVE | बीडमध्ये मुंडेंचं शक्तिप्रदर्शन | Beed Santosh Deshmukh Case | MundePankaja Munde Ashti Sabha LIVE |बीडमध्ये धसांच्या आरोपांवर,पंकजा पहिल्यांदाच बोलल्या | Sarpanch CaseSome people said I defamed the name of Beed district but some leaders defamed the name of Beed by playing bad politics. BJP MLA Suresh Dhas directly targeted Minister Dhananjay Munde by saying that he has strengthened criminal tendencies while doing politics while Pankaja Munde was heard without naming him.#dhananjaymunde #pankajamundhe #beednews #dhananjaymunde #news18lokmat News18 Lokmat is one of the leading YouTube News channels which delivers news from across Maharashtra, India and the world 24x7 in Marathi. Stay updated on all the current events shaping Maharashtra's political landscape, with a special focus on key figures such as PM Narendra Modi, Amit Shah, Devendra Fadnavis, Ajit Pawar, Sharad Pawar, Eknath Shinde, Uddhav Thackeray, CMO Maharashtra, Aaditya Thackeray, Raj Thackeray, Manoj Jarange Patil, Prakash Ambedkar, and more.We cover interesting stories from across the world as well. #UTNAJoin us as we delve into the heart of Maharashtra Politics, providing comprehensive coverage and unbiased reporting on News18 Lokmat's platform. Don't miss out on the action, subscribe now for all the latest news, debates, and more.Download our News18 Mobile App -
Somnath Suryawanshi Case | Suresh Dhas यांना सोमनाथ सूर्यवंशीच्या भावाकडून इशारा | N18V
Suresh Dhas said that the guilty police in the murder case with Somnath Suryavanshi should be forgiven with a big heart and do not urge them to file a crime. Suresh Dhas's double role has created a new controversy and chauffeur is being criticized .... Somnath's mother has condemned Suresh Dhas's statement. , His mother has given an angry reaction to the closure of the brokerage ...सोमनाथ सूर्यवंशी हत्या प्रकरणातील दोषी पोलिसांना मोठ्या मनाने माफ करा, त्यांच्यावर गुन्हे दाखल करण्याचा आग्रह धरू नका, अशी भूमिका सुरेश धस यांनी मांडली. सुरेश धस यांच्या या दुटप्पी भूमिकेमुळे नवा वाद निर्माण झाला असून त्यांच्यावर चौफेर टिका केली जातेय....सोमनाथच्या आईने सुरेश धस यांच्या वक्तव्याचा निषेध केला आहे. , हे दलाली धंदे बंद करा अशी संतप्त प्रतिक्रिया त्यांच्या आईने दिली आहे...#sureshdhas #somathsuryawanshi #parbhani #news18lokmat APSANews18 Lokmat is one of the leading YouTube News channels which delivers news from across Maharashtra, India and the world 24x7 in Marathi. Stay updated on all the current events shaping Maharashtra's political landscape, with a special focus on key figures such as PM Narendra Modi, Amit Shah, Devendra Fadnavis, Ajit Pawar, Sharad Pawar, Eknath Shinde, Uddhav Thackeray, CMO Maharashtra, Aaditya Thackeray, Raj Thackeray, Manoj Jarange Patil, Prakash Ambedkar, and more. We cover interesting stories from across the world as well.Join us as we delve into the heart of Maharashtra Politics, providing comprehensive coverage and unbiased reporting on News18 Lokmat's platform. Don't miss out on the action, subscribe now for all the latest news, debates, and more.Download our News18 Mobile App -
Anjali Damania Reaction on Munde : धनंजय मुंडे आता बस्स करा आणि राजीनामा द्या- दमानिया
State Food and Civil Supplies Minister Dhananjay Munde, who is already under the opposition's attack in the Santosh Deshmukh murder case, is likely to find himself in even deeper trouble. Social activist Anjali Damania has made serious allegations against Dhananjay Munde. Damania has made serious allegations that Dhananjay Munde ate farmers' money while he was the Agriculture Minister. Anjali Damania has demanded that Dhananjay Munde commit a scam in the Agriculture Department and should resign from his post as a minister. Munde has given a befitting reply by holding a press conference.संतोष देशमुख हत्या प्रकरणात आधीच विरोधकांच्या निशाण्यावर असलेले राज्याचे अन्न नागरी पुरवठा मंत्री धनंजय मुंडे यांचा पाय आणखी खोलात जाण्याची शक्यता आहे. सामाजिक कार्यकर्त्या अंजली दमानिया यांनी धनंजय मुंडे यांच्यावर गंभीर आरोप केले आहेत. कृषी मंत्री असताना धनंजय मुंडे यांनी शेतकऱ्यांचा पैसा खाल्ला असल्याचा गंभीर आरोप दमानिया यांनी केला. धनंजय मुंडे यांनी कृषी खात्यात घोटाळा केला असून त्यांचा मंत्रीपदाचा राजीनामा घ्यावा अशी मागणी अंजली दमानिया यांनी केली आहे.त्यावर पत्रकार परिषद घेऊन मुंडेंनी सडेतोड प्रत्यूत्तर दिलंय.#dhananjaymunde #beedsarpanchcase #anjalidamania #news18lokmat sikaNews18 Lokmat is one of the leading YouTube News channels which delivers news from across Maharashtra, India and the world 24x7 in Marathi. Stay updated on all the current events shaping Maharashtra's political landscape, with a special focus on key figures such as PM Narendra Modi, Amit Shah, Devendra Fadnavis, Ajit Pawar, Sharad Pawar, Eknath Shinde, Uddhav Thackeray, CMO Maharashtra, Aaditya Thackeray, Raj Thackeray, Manoj Jarange Patil, Prakash Ambedkar, and more.We cover interesting stories from across the world as well.Join us as we delve into the heart of Maharashtra Politics, providing comprehensive coverage and unbiased reporting on News18 Lokmat's platform. Don't miss out on the action, subscribe now for all the latest news, debates, and more.Download our News18 Mobile App -
Arwind Kejriwal On Delhi Result | दिल्लीत आपचा पराभव, केजरीवालांची पहिली प्रतिक्रिया | N18S
Arvind Kejriwal resigned from the post of Chief Minister after coming out of jail. He had said at the time that he would now seek justice in the people's court. The BJP has been out of power in the Delhi Assembly for the last 27 years. The Congress is also trying to regain the seat it lost in the capital. तुरुंगातून बाहेर आल्यानंतर अरविंद केजरीवाल यांनी मुख्यमंत्रीपदाचा राजीनामा दिला. आता जनतेच्या दरबारात न्याय मागणार असल्याचं त्यांनी त्यावेळी म्हटलं होतं. तर भाजप गेल्या 27 वर्षांपासून दिल्ली विधानसभेतील सत्तेबाहेर आहे. काँग्रेसही राजधानीत गमावलेली जागा परत मिळवण्याचा प्रयत्न करतेय. #delhi #delhinews #delhielection2025 #vidhansabhaelection #delhiassemblyelections APSANews18 Lokmat is one of the leading YouTube News channels which delivers news from across Maharashtra, India and the world 24x7 in Marathi. Stay updated on all the current events shaping Maharashtra's political landscape, with a special focus on key figures such as PM Narendra Modi, Amit Shah, Devendra Fadnavis, Ajit Pawar, Sharad Pawar, Eknath Shinde, Uddhav Thackeray, CMO Maharashtra, Aaditya Thackeray, Raj Thackeray, Manoj Jarange Patil, Prakash Ambedkar, and more. We cover interesting stories from across the world as well.Join us as we delve into the heart of Maharashtra Politics, providing comprehensive coverage and unbiased reporting on News18 Lokmat's platform. Don't miss out on the action, subscribe now for all the latest news, debates, and more.Download our News18 Mobile App -